Thursday, September 5, 2013

Plate tectonics

Its interesting what we take so for granted-- plate tectonics, was once only a theory and as hotly debated as global warming and climate change is still today. The historical development of formulating of the plate tectonics ideas is very nicely documented in this article ..."How plate tectonics clicked". For me, volcanic eruptions, deep-sea vents, earthquakes, provide us of the humbling realization we live on a very active, living and sometimes volatile planet, unlike our dead friend Mars.  See, 50 years ago this week, two geologists Vine and Matthews, reported in Nature magazine that they thought that the alternating magnetic polarities in ocean rocks was evidence for seafloor spreading as continents were being pushed apart.  Mars on the other hand, has no magnetic field- or tectonics.  However, we may all have our origins from Mars as Dr Steven Benner presented at the recent Goldschmidt meeting in Italy see link Earth life "may have come from Mars".

If I had it all over again, I think I would like to be a search and rescue dog, not to search for life on Mars, but to help during natural disasters from tectonic plate movements.  I really like working. I am already a registered therapy dog, so could provide comfort, but I like finding things.. like tomatoes. Maybe while in France I can be trained to smell for truffles.

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